ISO 27799 Information Security Management in Health courses in Amman, Cairo, Dubai, will provide you with the fundamental guidelines to protect personal health information.
This training will enable you to acquire the necessary knowledge to ensure healthcare organizations that their personal information is protected according to an internationally recognized standard. The benefits of this standard are valid to all healthcare institutions regardless of their size, type, or complexity. Healthcare organizations have a technological infrastructure, as well as information systems and information assets that are very sensitive and prone to vulnerabilities. That being said, the ISO 27799 standard will help these organizations to securely manage the personal information that they process.
Understood the implementation of Information Security Controls in healthcare organizations.
Understood the relationship between the components of Information Security controls.
Gained the necessary skills to support a healthcare organization .
Acquired the competences to perform periodic risk assessment in a healthcare organization.
Enhanced your ability to help healthcare organizations to play an active and important role .
Gained the necessary knowledge to improve Information Security.
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